About Adstimer
AdsTimer is a revenue sharing sites that gives 158% and 70 visits of you sites. So, You can earn by both ways from website and AdsTimer. If you invest about 1$, then you can get 1.58$ back for viewing the ads. The AdsTimer is a revenue site like Paidverts and Paidtree.
For investing 1$, AdsTimer give 3160 BAPs, which are equal to the 1.58$. ( 1BAP = 0.0005$). For more and more earning you can buy more adpacks and increase their group. The group eaning and their respective group is given below
I am in Gorup 14/16. The daily Eaning is 800$. And I made a 43 withdrawal of total worth of 67042$. The payment proof and group information is about is below:
Your Daily Bonus Ads Point
How To Work.Your View Daily 10 Bonus Ads Point And You Received 200 Point
And After 8 day You Work Adstimer Provide You Paid Ads After 8 day Your
Point 1600 Group 1/16
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